Friday 10 March 2006


I follow several comics, and have followed several in the past. The things I love about webcomics is that they are so free - you cant imagine seeing anything like this outside some freakish underground comics (and most of that is just as filthy shit as most of webcomics, but you have to pay to find this out. Also, if you find something great, that dosent mean you will find the next issues).

The problem with "what webcomics do you think are great?" topics at forum is that people list lots of comics that arent of interest to anyone. For recomendations to be any good, should the person who recommends and the person who takes the recommendations be on the same brain wave, as far as interests and sensitivity go. It's all jolly and good if you are both game fans and also bit geeky - but if the other one dosen't like sex- and gore-jokes, mixed with game- and geek-references, its all out. I wrote part of this list at my homepage, but here it is again, with some additions and more comments.

So, at the moment (it changes) my two favorite comics are:
Something Positive. It should update daily, but usually it does about two to three strips per week. But it has a large archive going back six years, so one should manage pretty ok. The comic is about Davan, an actor from Boston and his extended circle of friends. I guess it is kinda like Nemi in some of its jokes -- lots of them are of dark humour. In the latest strip a geek pays for doctor to convince that his bimbo-friend has ruined her good looks, probaply to make her "easy pray". The artist has gone thru several styles while making the comic. His current style seems pretty minimalistic, and at earlier times it was too cartoony at times.. but all in all, it is well drawn. Professional quality.

Penny Arcade. Is the grandfather of every "two gamers talk about popular culture" webcomic in the net. At best, it is very hilarious, but some storylines leave me cold. Both the writer and artist are of the top of the game. Apparently both creators are living off their product, at the moment, having enough income to not only fund their lives but also to hire people to handle deals, money, cons, merchantise etc.
This might be wise as they have sold the rights to their comic off TWICE, without knowing what they were doing.
Anyway. The creators are living the American Dream. And they deserve it, because this comic is GOLDEN.

Sinfest is a cast of characters involving not-so-good playboy, teen-slut, the Devil, a nerd, Dragon, dog and cat, God, fanboys (one for God and one for Devil), a pig, two annoying kerubis etc etc. Hilarious best, tiresome at times. The writer/artist takes regular unannounced vacations that may last as long as a month.

El Goonish Shive sees the writer/artist develope during it's run. The comic starts very modestly, art-vise, and developes into well skilled, but pretty lifeless panels. I enjoyed this comic greatly, and even sent email to the creator telling him so.
The comic deals with two teenagers Ted (a girlish looking scientist-geek) and Elliot (who does karate or kungfu or something) and what happens to them. This involves sex-changes, people who turn into animals, alternative dimensions, clones, aliens etc.
For the above mentioned reasons, this comic was also The Link of the Day at Something Awful.
But I liked it. Three times a week.. maybe?

Penny and Aggie is about two beatiful girls at high school. While Penny is only interested in herself, and keeping herself the boss of her group and the most desirable girl in school, Aggie is interested in saving the world and is therefore social outcast. The girls consider each other more or less rivals, for reasons known to no one, not probaply even by themselves. Well written and the art is very good indeed. It looks french with japanese touch. Four times a week.

Shortpacked! is a department store, the main characters work, under the faschist rule of of store owner Galasso. here's the cast page. I like this comic because its very, very comic-geeky and because I can see an aspect of myself in most of the employees. Exellent comic. Almost daily, I think.

Perry Bible Fellowship is very exellent. Cool colours, and very, very twisted and sick sense of humour. I like it very much. You will probaply too, if you arent too sensitive person. Once a week.

So, do you have any personal favorites that you would like to tell me about?

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