Saturday 25 March 2006

ICQ and problems

I have username or number in three instant messaging protocols, all managed thru Gaim, a splendid little piece of software.

Of all the protocols I have (AIM, ICQ and MSN, btw) only in ICQ people call me and start bugging.
And this only started after I went over 21. I imagine I went from one group to another, but I have no idea where and is there some change to get back to the "dont bug me" group.

This would be ok, if people would want to talk to me about comics, books, history or some other thing I would actually be interested in, but usually the people who talk to me are girls (or women, as it is) and braindamaged.

Anyway, this is the sort of conversations Im having over it. For context, it should be pointed over that my personal information (available next to my nick in the chat window) had all the information she is asking about, and more besides. Her info only had the name 'veronica' there.

(19:25:39) iJ: evening
(19:26:55) 263446539: where are you from?
(19:27:26) iJ: Hmm
(19:27:32) iJ: Where did you get my number from?
(19:28:07) iJ: I live in Finland, which I have probaply written next to every place where my id is up
(19:28:37) 263446539: age?
(19:28:59) iJ: Who are you?
(19:29:57) iJ: I am not very delighted that someone who hasnt even introduced herself suddenly pops up and starts interrogating me
(19:30:24) iJ: With questions that I have already answered on the page where you found my number
(19:30:48) 263446539: ok bye
(19:30:57) iJ: thank you, and good bye
(19:31:35) 263446539: thank you for what?
(19:31:50) iJ: Sarcasm
(19:32:21) 263446539: you not want to talk with me
(19:32:30) iJ: I would love to talk to you
(19:32:46) iJ: But I have asked two questions from you, and you have not answered me once
(19:32:56) iJ: Thats not dialogue, thats interrogation
(19:33:45) 263446539: you haven't asked nothing
(19:34:25) iJ: Where did you get my number?
(19:34:29) iJ: Who would you be?
(19:35:20) iJ: Listen, I bet you have talked with people via phone?
(19:35:43) iJ: When you call someone, you introduce yourself.
(19:35:51) iJ: And before calling, you find out something about the person you call to.
(19:36:16) iJ: In this case, if you found my number somewhere, you probaply found that the page also had information about me, like my country, age and gender
(19:36:36) iJ: You dont just select random number from phone book and ask "who am I talking to?"
(19:36:45) 263446539: i haven't read nothing about you
(19:36:53) iJ: Where did you get my number then?
(19:38:00) 263446539: i don't remember. here
(19:38:08) iJ: "here"?
(19:38:22) 263446539: yes
(19:38:29) iJ: What would "here" be?
(19:38:42) 263446539: excuse me but i don't speak english very well
(19:38:55) iJ: What was the page where you found my number?
(19:39:08) iJ: "here" isint a location :)
(19:39:37) 263446539: i don't remember
(19:40:58) iJ: Right. Good bye.

Makes you really connect with the human race, dosent it?

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