OK, first post in a while. This time, we have a moral dillema. This url was in topic of one irc-channel I frequent: Spamusement. The pic of interest is posted here:.
EDIT: Here was a picture of a form you have to fill in Hell; who would you want as your room mate; Hitler or Paris Hilton?
OK, so you are in hell, and you should select a roommate between these two. Obviously we disregard the question of gender, because we assume that no sex between roommates in hell could be expected (ms. Hilton is very goodlooking female individual, and in case the reader happens to be female... well.. I guess Eva Braun thought Hitler was cute).
So, whats the problem? I mean, sure, Hitler killed millions, but people who personally knew him said he was pretty nice and entertaining fellow. Artist by profession (and not a bad one either), he could decorate our flat to be nicer in style. Probaply pretty neat person (obsessed people usually are), he would be ideal roommate.
Paris Hilton.. dunno why she would be here, but shes spoiled rich kid. Probaply would expect me to do all the chores.
Plus, we have to remember that were in hell, so we probaply werent saints either, while alive. So, I'd personally choose Hitler, and it wouldnt even be difficult choice. What do you think?
On other things, somewhat bordering on my personal life; what's wrong with people? I just had the oportunity to meet a person who has been disliking, maybe even hating me for the past three years for something I had very little to do with (in a nutshell, he aproached a girl, who said she wasnt interested. Just a few days later I had better luck. Been hating me ever since). It wouldn't bother me otherwise, but we have several friends in common, and he seems to be trying to make sure they are HIS friends and not mine. From what I gather, this guy has a (very beatiful) girlfriend, is engaged to be married (at least he had golden ring in his finger), he has his own place in big town/city, he has studyplace, friends.. apparently everything he was lacking or dreaming of when I knew him better and called him a friend. So, life has been good to him. And hes holding a grudge?
Visit on my personal life; having a date today with a girl. Were going to movies. I also got part-time job; for now, its only for a month or so till the regular comes back. If she dosent, the place is mine for good! Anyway, it's easy money, and Im awfully happy.
Having problems with my Windows-installation. Mostly fixed now, but I need more permanent solution. Will not go into details here; just thought to inform you.
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