Monday 28 January 2008

Average IQ of nations

Found this map somewhere, didn't believe it and found it uploaded at Wikipedia. However, I have not been able to find the source for this map. I understand it's based on some tests or something.

I find it quite interesting that the IQ seems to change by zones - would think there would be difference between Israel and surrounding nations, or some difference between North and South America.

Why should this be so? I don't really think about correlations between race and nation (heck, aren't Australians and Canadians mostly mostly from Britain, with some Chinese and Japanese thrown in for spiciness?) but something sure looks wacky.


  1. Average to what? IQ is relative, not absolute. And even if those tests were calibrated against each other, it'd be pretty damn hard to come up with a method of running the test in each country that wouldn't invite various biases (of population selection, societal pressure or what have you).

    In other words: who made that map, and how?

  2. Here's a more reliable map (I knew Australia wasn't 60!) Most of them are based on results on standardized IQ tests, but some smaller countries were derived from averaging results of nearby/similar countries.

  3. 1. Native people. Original people. Not settlers. in australia.

    2 Data from 800,000 IQ test.

    3. Google. the facts. numbers. Free to world. Free to public.

  4. Why Greece is only 100?!You don't pay attention at these points:

    1.)The Greek language force mind to work better.So if you speak Greek you make it exercise.
    2.)Culture,ideology,smart language are things witch has given to the world many intelligent personalities.
    3.)The highest Greek IQ is 189(Nikos Ligeros). 4.)What about ancient civilization?
