Monday 15 August 2005

Walking the Blogosphere

Today, I was bored. Really bored. I had just finished a book I bought (will talk about it later on - as you were really interested), and I was spending time by clicking that "Next Blog" you can probaply see even now hanging from the uppermost right corner of your webpage-window. I don't know how that button works - clearly it dosent throw me to the 'next' blog (as "each blog is numbered, and your's is 4 and the next is 5"). I could go back to the previous page and push "next blog", and go to page that wasnt the one from where I backed off. Also; by pushing the button, I sometimes got the same blog again. This happened so frequently, that it should not be probaple, with all the thousands (millions?) of blogs in the world, and in the blogger alone.
So, how does the "next blog" thing work? Anyone want to explain?

Also, when scrolling trough the blogs, I found several curious things. First, most of them were really inane. Several blogs had just "asfhagash" posts every few days. WTF? Im pretty sure that they dont mean anything, on any language. Then there were lots of blogs with really, REALLY narrow interest. Like "Blog about bolts", and then there really were posts after posts of bolts, where you can use them, where you can buy them and so on. OK; they were not bolts, but several as worthless objects, with no usage in everyday life.

Then, there were several "buy my stuff" blogs. And "this blog is just for google adds" pages. As someone would visit them without anything to read of, only the adds.. There were two blogs that only had quotes from the bible. Maybe that might have interest to someone... I guess.. new quote for new day, and all that. Might be popular in some circles.
There were blogs with so many pictures (there was even some young teacher in USA who had put several videos to his profile - the pages loaded for eternity). Some blogs just spoke of bad design, having been broken into several smaller windows that made you scroll everything..

Then there were several blogs with actually interesting text, on language I can read (there were several with neither). They were suprisingly few and far apart. I commented on few. In case youre one and traced me down, hello.

The one that really stuck to my mind was blog of some missionary with big link to "". After some sort flash animation, there were eight questions, that by answering you would find if you would get to Heaven. "Great", I thought, "I so love quizes! And this might be amusing.". Well, proved that it wasnt. The eight questions were on the lines of "Have you ever lied? For any reason, however small?" "Have you stolen? Anything, however nonimportant?" Anyway, questions that made you give the "bad" answer. Who of us hasnt lied? Who of us, over twelve year old, has not watched 'lustfully' either man or woman (depending on your preferences)?

Anyway, of these eight questions, two brought some thoughts to my mind. "Have you cursed in God's name?" And then there was examble: "Oh G-d!" My question is, is that a curse? And I thought God's name was Jahve, or Jehova, or something along those lines, depending on your language. Or is that just one of his names? If God would be in phonebook, would there be something like this:

Gobard, Donald / Bird Street 12 A, Espoo / 853 3566
God, Jahve / Heaven / 124 7687
Gregory, Edward / Sea Lane 4 A 3, London / 114 689

Just a thought. I always though that 'God' was written on big letter same as President. Because, in each country, there's only one of them.. and there's only one God in Christianity. There are other gods, and the big letter dosent really go thru while cursing...

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